Community Based Watershed Management: A Viable Alternative?

Up to this date, we have focused on ecosystems based management as the best solution for managing the Kanawha River and the ecosystems services it provides. However, little has been said about several other management alternatives, such as community based or state based management practices. Both of these alternatives function exactly like they sound.  State based management happens when the state government assumes control of a resource, and are solely responsible for its upkeep and maintenance. This resource management strategy is often used with natural resources. Community based management keeps management strategies localized, asking community members to stay active in and responsible for managing the resource.

Panorama of the Ohio River at its widest point.

In the case of rivers and their respective watersheds, community based watershed management has proven effective in many respects. Anthropogenic sources are largely responsible for the most detrimental impacts on watersheds and the rivers they flow into. Involving local stakeholders is believed to strengthen ties to the local environment and create a sense of pride and ownership in the community. Bonnell and Baird emphasize the role community based watershed management on the Ohio River, encouraging others to consider this as an alternative management solution.


Rural area of the Ohio River.

Characteristics of a successful community based watershed management model are as follows:

  • fluid roles and relationships,
  • a whole-system perspective,
  • integrating scientific information with societal values, and
  • an adaptive management style.

Another important aspect of this management style is the plan, which must be implemented despite the challenges facing the community. Overall, it cannot be ruled out as an alternative management strategy, especially since it has been so successful in a river in the same region as the Kanawha River.





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