Meet the Team

The team was comprised of four Davidson College students enrolled in a Bio/Anthro split course focusing on renewable natural resources.  This group focused on the Kanawha River in West Virginia, mainly the management of the pollution from coal and chemical industries.


Matt Brantley is a sophomore Environmental Studies major. He is on  varsity football, a brother of Phi Delta Theta, and holds leadership roles in Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Davidson College Sportsman Society.


Devin Gorsen is a senior Environmental Studies major. She is an active member of Rusk Eating House at Davidson College, where she served as president this past year. In addition to her activities at Davidson, she has a passion for gardening and did her senior honors thesis on school garden education programs.


Caitlin Keaton is a senior Anthropology and Environmental Studies double-major. She holds leadership roles in several organizations that focus on sexual violence awareness. In addition to her passions at Davidson, she has an interest in tattooing and sustainable development, and has completed a thesis on each subject.


Polly Ukrop is a junior Environmental Studies major. She is a member of Connor House and will serve as the 2014-2015 Service Chair. This summer, Polly will be a Davidson Sustainability Scholar working for Crescent Communities in Charlotte.

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