WV TAP Evaluates Chemical Toxicity Levels

As of March 17th, the West Virginia Testing Assessment Project (hereafter referred to as WV TAP) published a preliminary document detailing possible health effects for the three chemicals that were hazardously spilled into the water supply for Charleston, WV, contaminating the last couple miles of the Elk River, and an undetermined amount of the Kanawha River. The study is a preliminary literature review, discussing the findings of other studies from four different sources, covering MCHM, PPH, and DiPPH, as well as several other chemicals that are related to those. However, because this document is only considered a literature review, no conclusions are drawn. In fact, the authors even write a disclaimer that reads “Neither the authors nor the WV TAP assume responsibility for use of the information contained herein. Readers are advised to refer to the original documents cited and to develop their own conclusions”. In short, while this document is proof of the effects beginning to be studied, there are still no concrete answers for residents of the area. Only time will tell when the water is truly safe.








– http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2889/11975857255_3fc4740cf8_n.jpg

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